Friday, October 21, 2011


What is your definition of a true friend? Lately I have been self analyzing to see if I have done my part as a friend.  Am I there for my friends? Do I do my very best to make sure my friends know that they can always count on me? Do my friends see me as someone they enjoy hanging out with? Do they feel as though they can trust me?

I have also thought about what I would like to see in a true friend and how she would act towards me.  We all expect to be treated a certain way in any relationship and that's especially true in friendships.  I've always expected my friends to be like me.  You know the sayings goes...treat people the way you want to be treated.  I figured that if I was a certain way towards my friends that they would be the same way towards me.  Maybe my expectations are too high? The last thing I would ever want to do is make any of friends feel like they have to be a certain way because I'm that way.  I always thought that being a good friend came naturally but I'm finding out that maybe my definition of what a good friend is may be different from others. 

I see a good friend as one that understands in all situations but is not judgmental.  I see a good friend as one who NEVER shares your business with anyone else unless they have your permission.  I see a good friend as one who will defend you when someone is talking about you when you're not present.  I see a good friend as one who doesn't make fun of you when you're going through hard times.  I see a good friend as one who will laugh with you, cry with you and simpathize with you when you're upset and going through something.  I see a good friend as one that will be honest with you about everything.  I see a good friend as one that will help you see in a loving way when you are in the wrong. 

There were so many times in my past that I needed a good friend to point me in the right direction, because they knew that I was heading into one that would be harmful for me and those I love.  I needed a good friend to shine a light on my darkness so that I could see the terrible mistakes I was making or were about to make.  Looking back, I can honestly say that out of all of my friends, there were only a few good ones that cared enough to speak the truth about my actions regardless of how I felt at the time.  They knew that they were not risking our friendship because they knew I would eventually come to my senses and see that they were only looking out for me, and truly cared.  These few friends are still apart of my life today, and while we may not talk as often as we did; they are my true friends and I know they always will be. 

I am a true friend and I care about my friends.  In my heart I only want what's best for them.  I understand that some friends grow apart from each other and no longer share the same interest, or life has them taking different paths.  This has happened to me many times but with some of them we have always remained in contact.  I do not hold anything against those friends who have chosen to not keep in touch.   I understand that some friendships won't last forever.  There are very few past friendships that I would not ever consider picking up where we left off.  Maybe just one so-called friend from my past I could never be friends with because of the degree of betrayal.  However; I am one that can freely forgive no matter what happened if the person wanted to be forgiven. 

At this point in my life I do not feel as though I really need friends.  I have my family and they complete me.  My husband is my one true best friend.  We've been through so much together and nothing or no one has been able break us.  I know I can always count on him and he knows he can always count on me.  No one will be able to replace him.   

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